THE economy is presently in a free fall. The news will tell you that new car sales from Ford Motor alone have plumped. The new cars will be on dealers lot in a few weeks. The average American family car is 10 years old. However, before you visit the local new car dealership consider the following options for vehicle purchase. Whether you are looking for a used honda accord, jeep kia, or toyota camry your first step should be Craigslist garage sale but use the search word estate sales. The estate sales are often placed on Craigslist under the garage sale section. Many times in an efford to liquidate the estate of a loved on, families will often discount the deceased member’s vehicle quickly. Prior to your purchase agreement check fluids, insure that the vehicle shifts into gear and note any body damage and shoot a picture of it and take it to your body shop for a quick estimate. I personally run a carfax it is about 40.00 but is well worth the cost. Another resource: Former off lease vehicles at any of the auto rental agenices or new car agencies often when new models arrive on the lot have to make space and the prices are reduced. Police impound sales often have vehicles that have been impounded for various traffic violations and can be picked up for a fraction of retail. You must usually have cash in hand and these vehicles are sold as is. Prior to bidding on any car at this impound sales go to the website vinaudit.com for a detailed report regarding the vehicle and its history. Presently with gas prices still on the rise you will see a spike in the price of all compact and sub compact cars and SUV’s.

TAGS police impound auctions estate sales carfax traffic violations former off lease vehicles auto rental agencies compact cars, SUV’S used honda accord jeep, toyota camry craigslist garage sales Ford Motor

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